Learn How to Write an Article Review with Examples

The article review is a great way for newbies to understand the work done in other fields. These reviews allow experts like you and me, who are not as familiar with these topics at first glance or even after reading them once, we can still learn so much from each others’ expertise!

We all have those days when we struggle to write our article reviews. It can be hard figuring out exactly what it should look like, and sometimes even where to start! But don’t worry – there are some simple tips that will help you write a review of an article.

Would you like to learn how to write an article review? In this blog post, we’ll show you how with some easy examples. First, let’s discuss what an article review is and why it is important. Then, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to write one. Finally, we’ll give you some tips on how to make your reviews stand out.


On this Page

  • Definition of an Article Review
  • Various Types of Reviews
  • Points to Ponder before Writing an Article Review
  • Writing Article Review in APA & MLA Format
  • Preparatory Writing Steps for an Article Review
  • Article Review Format
  • Easy Steps to Write an Article Review
  • Article Review Examples
  • Article Review Topics

Definition of an Article Review

The article review has been a standard way of reviewing published works for decades. It demands in-depth analysis and well-structured arguments that can be anything from an extended thesis statement or just one main point made thoroughly throughout your paper with supporting details.

An article review is the most important part of any academic paper. It provides an informed perspective on what you think about a particular work and how it can be improved.

One can write a good review of an article if they are completely aware of the strengths and weaknesses and clearly know all the points of the article.

Various Types of Reviews

The following are the types of reviews that can be written for articles:

Science Article Review

It reviews the articles written on science. It also includes biology, chemistry & physics-related articles.

With so much information available online, it’s important that you have a thorough understanding of the background before analyzing what is being said.

Journal Article Review

Journal articles are a great way to share your research with other people and offer insights on what was written in the published article. To do this, you need not only to provide analysis but also interpretation that demonstrates why it might be valuable for others to read about these findings!

Research Article Review

The research article reviews/evaluates the used method for research and much differs from the review of a journal article.

Points to Ponder before Writing an Article Review

Take notes for the following things when you plan to review an article:

  • Format used in the article.
  • Length of your review.
  • Add your personal point-of-view.
  • Give a call-to-action at the end of the review.
  • Provide a little background information.

If you consider these things, you will surely write an excellent review of an article.

Writing Article Review in APA & MLA Format

The best way to write an article review for your APA format is by following these simple steps. You must include bibliographical entries or sources that were used when the study was conducted, so be sure you credit all information accordingly in order not only to improve readability but also credibility!

Article Review in APA Format

Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Year, Month, Date of Publication). Title. Retrieved from {link}
Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Publication Year). Publication Title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.
Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Publication Title. Magazine Title, pp. xx-xx.

The MLA format was created to make sure that papers were correctly formatted and citations were accurate. It’s also often used by authors when they’re writing academic articles, which means you should know how it works!

Article Review in MLA Format

Last, First Middle Initial. “Publication Title.” Website Title. Website Publisher, Date Month Year Published. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.
Last, First M. “Publication Title.” Newspaper Title [City] Date, Month, Year Published: Page(s). Print.
Last, First M. “Publication Title.” Journal Title Series Volume. Issue (Year Published): Page(s). Database Name. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.

Preparatory Writing Steps for an Article Review

The article review can be one of the most daunting tasks you take on. Thankfully, with a few preparatory steps and some effort, your first review will not disappoint your professor. Learn here how to write a review for an article:

  1. Write a rough summary of the article, keeping in mind all the insightful observations. Your summary may not make much sense at this point because later, we will revise it.
  2. Note all the positive aspects of the article.
  3. Consider the research gaps.
  4. Pen down the unanswered questions of the research article.
  5. Understand how the title is significant.
  6. The more you read, the better your comprehension is. The key to understanding an article is reading it thoroughly from start to finish so that all of these concepts are ingrained in your mind. So read the article carefully.
  7. The beginning and ending sections of an article are where you should focus most of your attention because they contain the main points. Pay special attention to the opening sentences of the article.
  8. Maybe you missed some good ideas so revise the article.

The following steps can help you start writing an engaging article review and get a good grade on the assignment.



Article Review Format

The following format should be used for writing your review article:

  • Pre-title page
To provide a thorough and detailed summary of the article, it includes information about its author and their contributions to the field.
  • Author Details
The author’s full name and fax number are written on this page.
  • Running head
In APA format, the title should not exceed 40 characters in length.
  • Summary page
If you are looking to summarize the article concisely, keep it under 800 words. Make sure to use engaging language.
  • Title page
Write a title here and then write an abstract in a few words.
  • Introduction
Introduction to the article.
  • Body
Write main headings and descriptions from the body of the article.
  • Cited Works/References
List down the references and work cited in the article.
  • Figures and Tables
Give a list of used figures and tables in the work.

Easy Steps to Write an Article Review

Here’s how you can write reviews for any type of article:

1. Title of the Review: The title should reflect the aim of your work. It should tell about the focus of the reviewed article.?

2. Properly Cite the Article: Then cite the work/article which you’re reviewing. To fully recognize the work of others, it is important to cite correctly. For example, Spitz, D. (1970). Power and Authority: An Interpretation of Golding’s” Lord of the Flies”. The Antioch Review, 30(1), 21-33.

3. Identify the Article: Then, identify the article. How to identify the article you are reading? You can do this by identifying who wrote it, when they published their work in a journal (year), and what title or subtitles were given to them.

For instance, the article Power and Authority: An Interpretation of Golding’s “Lord of the Flies” was written by Spitz, D in 1970.

4. Introduction: Write the introduction of your review, containing the name of the article & thesis statement. Highlight important aspects in a way that makes them seem more persuasive than other articles you may have read on this topic before!

5. Give a Summary: Write a detailed summary of the body parts of the article. Include the conclusion of the author of the reviewed article in this section.

6. Critique it: Critically analyze the work. Focus on the positive & negative aspects of the article being reviewed. Also, tell how the author has contributed to the knowledge of the specific field.

7. Conclude the Review: Now it’s time to conclude the review by restating all the key points of the review.

8. Revise and Proofread: Proofread and edit the review to make it flawless. Check the spelling, grammar, and sentence structure of the whole review.

Article Review Examples

The example we have provided is just a few of the many that can be found online. It shows how to do it right, and it might give you some insight into your own writing style.

Journal Article Review Format

Journal Article Review Format


Let’s take a look at how examples can benefit you:

  • To help you find the best sources to back up your claims and arguments.
  • To get you started to like the experts of your field.
  • The examples will help you when writing a review, it’s important to keep in mind that the tone of voice should be engaging.
  • Examples will help in better understanding of review writing & comprehension.
  • It will help in finding the search gaps of the article being reviewed.

Article Review Topics

  • Different patterns of communication used by males & females.
  • The effects of severe drug usage on the mind of youth.
  • Street Art in Asia
  • How is obesity life-threatening?
  • Global Warming
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Global warming and greenhouse effect.
  • Exercise is important for all.
  • Earth is decaying.
  • Covid-19.

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