Interagency Recovery Coordination: Analyzing Federal Response and Recommending Improvements in Disaster Management

Read rubric Verbatim

Katrina Article:

Sandy Article:

Reading: Essentials of Health Policy and Law, Chapter 13

Textbook Link:

What to Submit

Your submission should be a 4- to 6-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

IHP 610 Module Eight Activity Guidelines and Rubric


The nature of a disaster determines the response and future preparedness. The geographic scope, number of populations affected, and uniqueness of the threat may present unique dif�culties

in disaster preparedness and emergency management. Preparing for and addressing emergencies effectively is a joint responsibility of all the stakeholders. On the basis of their capabilities,

responsibilities, and priorities, each stakeholder plays a role in responding to the emergency, which contributes to the overall response.

Before you begin working on the assignment, review the module learning resources on Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. Use the module resource for either of these hurricanes to complete this

interagency recovery coordination assignment.

In this assignment, you will analyze the interagency recovery coordination for either Hurricane Katrina or Sandy. This will help you to understand the magnitude of the emergency, the

involvement of stakeholders, challenges with the emergency planning, effectiveness of the plan, and areas for improvement. On the basis of your analysis, you will write an assessment

summarizing the agency or agencies’ involvement in the disaster response efforts and make recommendations for future improvement to the federal agency. By being able to explain how

federal agencies address stakeholder needs during an emergency, including how competing priorities between federal and state agencies impact local-level stakeholders and how stakeholders

in�uence disaster recovery and preparedness plans, you will be even more prepared to successfully complete Project Two.


Choose and analyze the interagency recovery coordination for either Hurricane Katrina or Sandy provided in the module resources. Then, submit a document containing both an assessment

report and a recommendation letter to the head of the federal agency involved in the disaster recovery.

You must cite at least three additional outside sources to support your assessment and recommendations. You may not use any of the module resources to support your claims (with the

exception of the reading you chose from the module resources). For additional help with completing this assignment, refer to the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing – Graduate item in the Start

Here module. You may also use the Online Writing Center, located in the Academic Support module.

Speci�cally, you must address the following rubric criteria:

1. Background of Disaster or Emergency: Brie�y describe the background of the selected disaster or emergency case study from the healthcare perspective.

2. Role of Federal Response Agencies: Analyze the role of the federal response agency in emergency or disaster management from the selected case study. Consider the following questions

in your response:

A. How does the federal agency’s involvement impact the overall emergency response management in the chosen case study?

B. How did coordination between the federal agency and other stakeholders positively and/or negatively impact the emergency response management?

3. Stakeholders’ In�uence: Analyze the in�uence of stakeholders on the emergency preparedness policies. Consider the following questions in your response:

A. Who among the stakeholders led and/or in�uenced the emergency response management in the selected case study?


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B. Who (federal, state, or local agencies), according to you, has a more signi�cant impact on the emergency preparedness policies, and why?

4. Impact of Stakeholders’ Priorities: Describe the impact of stakeholders’ priorities on the effectiveness of emergency response management. Consider the following questions in your


A. How do the priorities of federal and state agencies impact emergency response management?

B. Which factors do federal and state agencies consider when setting up the priorities for emergency response management?

5. Summary of Analysis: Summarize your analysis of the case study, including what was effective and what was ineffective in emergency response management. Consider the following

questions in your response:

A. Which three response efforts do you consider effective, and why?

B. Which three response efforts do you consider ineffective, and why?

C. Which of the stakeholders contributed more effectively than others, and why?

6. Recommendations: Recommend a minimum of two strategic improvement suggestions to the federal agencies about emergency response management. Consider the following question

in your response:

A. How will your suggestions help underserved/vulnerable populations?

What to Submit

Your submission should be a 4- to 6-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources

should be cited according to APA style.

Module Eight Activity Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Background of Disaster or


Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner, using

industry-speci�c language

Brie�y describes the

background of the selected

disaster or emergency case

study from the healthcare


Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors or


Does not attempt criterion 10

Role of Federal Response


Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner, using

industry-speci�c language

Analyzes the role of federal

response agency in emergency

or disaster management in the

selected case study

Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors or


Does not attempt criterion 10

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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Stakeholders’ In�uence Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner, using

industry-speci�c language

Analyzes the in�uence of

stakeholders on the emergency

preparedness policies

Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors or


Does not attempt criterion 10

Impact of Stakeholders’


Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner, using

industry-speci�c language

Describes the impact of

stakeholders’ priorities on the

effectiveness of emergency

response management

Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors or


Does not attempt criterion 15

Summary of Analysis Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner, using

industry-speci�c language

Summarizes the analysis of the

case study, including what was

effective and what was

ineffective in emergency

response management

Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors or


Does not attempt criterion 15

Recommendations Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner, using

industry-speci�c language

Recommends two strategic

improvement suggestions to

the federal agencies about

emergency response


Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors or


Does not attempt criterion 15

Articulation of Response Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner

Clearly conveys meaning with

well-designed presentation

slides, correct grammar,

sentence structure, and

spelling, demonstrating an

understanding of audience and


Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors in

presentation slide design,

grammar, sentence structure,

and spelling, negatively

impacting readability

Submission has critical errors in

presentation slide design,

grammar, sentence structure,

and spelling, preventing

understanding of ideas


Scholarly Sources Incorporates more than three

scholarly, current (within the

last �ve years) sources, or use

of sources is exceptionally


Incorporates three scholarly,

current (within the last �ve

years) sources that support


Incorporates fewer than three

scholarly, current (within the

last �ve years) sources, or not

all sources support claims

Does not incorporate sources 10

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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

APA Style Formats in-text citations and

reference list according to APA

style with no errors

Formats in-text citations and

reference list according to APA

style with fewer than �ve


Formats in-text citations and

reference list according to APA

style with �ve or more errors

Does not format intext

citations and reference list

according to APA style


Total: 100%

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