Formal Vs Informal Organizational Structures


1. Create a comparative table with the differences between formal and informal organizational structures.

2. Exemplify each of the differences described.

  • Your assignment should be formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least three academic sources.
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Formal and Informal Organizational Structure

The purpose of an organization is to accomplish a specific objective by bringing people to be formal and informal organizations, two different types of organizational structures. A formal organization is one in which two or more people come together to accomplish a common objective. They adhere to a standard connection, establish rules and procedures to ensure compliance, and establish authority. Alternatively, informal organizations are formed as systems of social relationships under formal organizations. These relationships are created by people in the organization meeting, interacting, and developing relationships with one another.

What is a formal organization?

An organization is a set of persons united for a common purpose and bound by formal legal ties. The organization establishes rules, regulations, and guidelines as a matter of policy. It is the accountability of the top management to establish such an organization.

Organizations are primarily concerned with achieving their goals. Due to this, roles, responsibilities, and authority are clearly defined. This results in assigning tasks, delegating authority to each member, and applying the concept of division of labor and specialization of workers, with the work assigned according to the individual’s capabilities.

A hierarchical structure also exists, which establishes a logical authority relationship.



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Communication between two members is limited to planned channels.

Organizational Structure Types:

Line Organization Line and Staff Organization Functional Organization Project Management Organization Matrix Organization

What is an informal organization?

People who work in an enterprise form interpersonal relationships by meeting, interacting and forming relationships as a result of meeting, interacting, and forming relationships. The organization is created spontaneously by its members, who are motivated to develop it by their sociopsychological needs and their urge to speak. Its members are characterized by a mutual aid program, a cooperative partnership, and a companionship program. Informal organizations do not have defined communication channels so members can communicate freely. In their capacities, they do not work together professionally.

There are no rules or regulations governing the relationship between members. Several norms, connections, and interactions are characteristic of a social group. Unlike a formal organization, a personal organization does not impose rules and regulations on its members. It is respected that their opinions, feelings, and views are expressed. However, it is a temporary phenomenon that will not likely last for a considerable time.

Organizations in Formal and Informal Settings: A Comparison

It is possible to distinguish formal from informal organizations based on the following factors:

1. Organizations with formal structures have clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and accountability for each member. As individuals interact with one another within a formal organization, interpersonal relationships are formed.

2. A formal organization is created on purpose by the top management of an organization. Instead, an informal organization is formed spontaneously by its members.

3. The formal structure of an organization is designed to facilitate accomplishing its goals. Unlike informal organizations, formal organizations are formed to meet their members’ social and psychological needs.

4. An organization that is formal in nature lasts a long time; it is permanent. A temporary



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organization, on the other hand, is an informal organization. 5. Organizations with formal communication follow formal communication channels, i.e.,

predetermined channels for communication are in place. The free flow of communication is one of the characteristics of a formal organization.

6. Rules and regulations must be adhered to by every member of the formal organization. In contrast to informal communication, norms, values, and beliefs play a critical role in controlling behavior.

7. The performance of work is the primary focus of an organization that is formal, whereas interpersonal interaction is the primary focus of an organization that is informal.

8. Informally organized organizations continue to grow, whereas formal organizations remain relatively small.

9. Egalitarian structures govern informal organizations as opposed to formal organizations, which are governed by hierarchical structures (Surbhi, 2017).



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Types of Organizational Structures

Large enterprises require an established and organized structure to manage large numbers of employees and prevent chaos. Most startups and small businesses do not consider the need for an organizational structure. Due to this lack of structure, miscommunication, delays in work, poor process flow, low morale, and other serious consequences can occur. On the other hand, an effective organizational structure facilitates the coordination of teamwork, reduces conflicts, and increases productivity. All operational procedures and workflows are based on an organization’s organizational structure. Organizational development aims to establish each employee’s role and place within the organization. There are seven types of organizations:

1. Functional Structure

Employees are grouped into functional departments based on their areas of expertise. A designated leader is assigned to each department with extensive experience in the employees’ job functions under their supervision.

The decision-making process is typically implemented top-down (centralized), with department managers reporting to upper management. Leadership teams should communicate regularly and coordinate their strategies, while lower-level employees should have limited knowledge of the processes occurring outside their departments.



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The lack of coordination between departments is the primary challenge faced by companies with a functional structure. Employees who are focused on specific tasks may fail to interact with their colleagues in other departments.

Training leaders to foster cross-departmental collaboration is necessary to create a functional organizational structure. A functional organizational structure begins with the highest level of responsibility at the top and proceeds downwards. As a general rule, however, employees are organized based on their specific skills and corresponding organizational functions; every department operates itself independently.


Ensures that employees can focus on their responsibilities Specialization is encouraged Provide a sense of self-determination to teams and departments Scalable to any size organization


An organization can become divided into silos Communication between departments is hindered Develops processes and strategies for various markets or products within a company

2. Divisional Structure

Employees are organized into divisions based on products or geographical areas. There are teams within divisional organizations that are dedicated to a particular market or product line. A divisional structure is used by companies such as McDonald’s Corporation and Disney. To adjust their strategy for audiences representing different markets, these brands cannot help but divide their organization by location.

In general, these smaller groups operate decentralized and are relatively independent. Despite this, the leaders of each department are likely to be under the control of a central organization. The top management determines the company’s culture, but each division can make operational decisions independently.

An organization with divisional organizational structures essentially operates like a separate company within a larger organization since each division controls its resources. There can be a marketing team, a sales team, an information technology team, etc., for each division. Large companies may benefit from this structure since it allows all divisions to make decisions without



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having to report to a small number of top executives.


Ensures that large companies remain flexible Provides more rapid response to changes in the industry or customer demands Enhances independence, autonomy, and customization


It is possible to duplicate resources easily The headquarters and its divisions may be unable to communicate effectively or efficiently. The company may become competitive with itself as a result

Several large corporations, including McDonald’s and Disney, have also created functional units in their structure to enhance their control.

3. Matrix Structure

It is common for team members to report to multiple managers simultaneously in a matrix organizational structure. What is the purpose of this? It is advantageous to have multiple supervisors to facilitate company-wide interaction. For example, employees can gain experience outside their team when answering to functional and project managers. Although functional managers can address specific job-related issues, project managers can contribute knowledge and skills from other departments.

It depicts cross-functional teams that come together for special projects in the form of a matrix organizational chart. A project manager may manage a temporary assignment, whereas an engineer may belong to the engineering department (led by an engineering director). Both roles and reporting relationships are accounted for in the matrix org chart.


This feature enables supervisors to select individuals according to the project’s needs. Enhances the organization’s dynamic view Provides employees with opportunities to use their skills in a variety of capacities outside of their original tasks


Conflict exists between department managers and project managers



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A type of organizational chart may undergo more frequent changes than another type of organizational chart To avoid confusion regarding authority and prevent conflicts between managers, you should consider a matrix organizational structure.

4. Team Structure

Organizing based on teams allows for creating small teams dedicated to delivering a single product or service. By working together, these teams can solve problems and make decisions without the involvement of third parties.

As you may have guessed, a team-based organizational structure groups employees into teams. Think of scrum teams or tiger teams, for example. The purpose of a team organization structure is to disrupt the traditional hierarchy, emphasizing problem-solving, cooperation, and employee empowerment.


By breaking down the silo mentality, productivity, performance, and transparency increase. Encourages the development of a growth mindset Encouraging people to move laterally changes the traditional career model. Seniority is not as crucial as experience. Managing this process requires a minimum amount of effort This product is well suited to agile companies with Scrum or Tiger teams


Contradicts many companies’ natural tendency to have hierarchical structures It may cause employees to have a less clear understanding of their promotional paths.

Projects are managed by team members who have complete responsibility for their workload. Organizations based on teams are characterized by little formalization and a high degree of flexibility. Global organizations and manufacturers benefit from this structure.

5. Network Structure

Independent contractors or vendors usually perform the work on behalf of a network organization. This is a process in which two or more organizations join their efforts to deliver a single product or service. There are many benefits to having a network structure and your internal company structure.



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Most businesses do not have all their services under one roof these days, and managing many vendors, subcontractors, freelancers, off-site locations, and satellite offices can be challenging. Using a network organizational structure makes it possible to understand how resources are distributed. A more open and relationship-oriented internal system can also be described as having a higher emphasis on communication and relationships than hierarchy.


Analyzes the complex network of onsite and off-site relationships within a company Enhances the flexibility and agility of companies Ensure that all employees can collaborate, take the initiative, and make decisions Enhances employee and stakeholder understanding of workflows and processes


It can quickly become overly complex when dealing with a large number of off-site processes. Employees may have difficulty determining who has the final word.

Network companies have teams that are made up of full-time and freelance employees. It allows in-house workers to spend most of their time concentrating on their areas of expertise. Adapting to market changes and acquiring the needed skills as quickly as possible is possible through such an approach. A company’s agility is increased when it works with individuals not integrated into its culture (Williams, 2022).

6. Hierarchical Structure

Hierarchical structures should already be familiar to you. The most common organizational structure is an organization with a direct chain of command. A chain of command is established through a series of executives at the departmental and team levels, in this case, between senior management and general employees. High-ranking executives have the most significant influence on decision-making.

A hierarchical organizational structure is the most common type of organization; employees report to a supervisor at the top (e.g., the CEO or manager). On the one hand, this structure allows organizations to streamline business processes. A clear career path and eliminating conflict are benefits of this organizational structure. It can sometimes be beneficial to have a company hierarchy in which managers’ authority cannot be challenged. Alternatively, a hierarchical organization can negatively impact employee morale and slow decision-making.




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It is more clearly defined what the levels of authority and responsibility are Indicates to whom each person reports or to whom specific projects should be addressed Promotes employee motivation by providing clear career paths and opportunities for advancement Assigns a specialization to each employee Ensures that employees within the same department can form bonds of camaraderie


Due to increased bureaucracy, innovation and significant changes may be slowed down. Employees are more likely to act in the company’s best interests than the company’s. In some cases, it can result in lower-level employees feeling undervalued and unable to express their ideas about the company.

7. Flat Organization Structure

An organization with a flat organizational structure has few middle managers between employees and top management. Structures such as these require less supervision, increase employee involvement, and improve trust in the workplace.

Companies with fewer levels of upper management and staff employees should adopt a horizontal or flat organizational structure. It is common for startup companies to use a horizontal organization structure until they are large enough to create different departments. Still, some organizations maintain such a structure due to its ability to encourage less supervision and greater employee involvement.


Increases employee responsibilities Improves communication by fostering an open dialogue Enhances the coordination of new ideas and their speed of implementation


There is no transparent supervisor to report to, which can confuse employees. Employees with more generalized skills and knowledge are more likely to succeed. Once a company has grown beyond the startup phase, it can be challenging to maintain

A flat organization structure, also known as a flat hierarchy, is commonly used by small and medium-sized businesses due to its simplicity. (Olmstead, 2022).



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