Management Skills and Entrepreneurship
Department: ARU Peterborough
Module Code: MOD003402
Level: 7
Academic Year: 2015/16
Semester/Trimester/Session: Tri 2
Key information, Introduction to the Module and Learning Outcomes
Key Information
Introduction to the Module
Learning Outcomes
Employability Skills in this Module
Outline Delivery and Reading Lists @ Anglia
Outline Delivery
Reading List and Learning Resources
Assessment on this Module
How to View Your Feedback in Turnitin Grademark
Assessment Information and Marking Criteria
Element 010 – The Assignment (100%)
Element 010 – Marking Criteria for the Assignment (100%)
Re-assessment Information
Re-assessment for Element 010 – Assignment (100%)
Links to Other Key Information
Key information, Introduction to the Module and Learning Outcomes
Key Information
Module title: Managerial Skills and Entrepreneurship
Module Leader: Dr. Rajendra Kumar
Campus: London
Email: [email protected]
Module Tutors: Dr. Rajendra Kumar/David Hall
Every module has a Module Definition Form (MDF) which is the officially validated record of the module. You can access the MDF for this module in three ways via:
· the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
· the My.Anglia Module Catalogue at
· Anglia Ruskin’s module search engine facility at
All modules delivered by Anglia Ruskin University at its main campuses in the UK and at Associate Colleges throughout the UK and overseas are governed by the Academic Regulations. You can view these at An extract of the Academic Regulations, known as the Assessment Regulations, is available at this website too (all new students will have received a printed copy as part of their welcome pack).
In the unlikely event of any discrepancy between the Academic Regulations and any other publication, including this module guide, the Academic Regulations, as the definitive document, take precedence over all other publications and will be applied in all cases.
Introduction to the Module
The module reviews the theories and practices relevant to management, leadership and entrepreneurship including individual and team-group learning; reflective self-managed learning practices; the facilitation of the learning entrepreneurship environment; psychology models and managing people in a variety of settings and cultural contexts.
The module provides a critical introduction to the business concepts, personal development requirements, and application and thinking skills which are needed to be successful as a manager and leader in an entrepreneurship/ business venture or in exercising leadership in a business organisation.
The module also aims to develop and encourage confidence, and critical, reflective self awareness which is based on individual understanding of the skills and knowledge required for the effective management and evaluation of new venture opportunities and their potential realisation.
The role of the leader, leadership and their contribution to management thinking and entrepreneurship development is explored and examines the way in which leadership can act as a catalyst for management enhancement and entrepreneurial thinking. Distinctions and comparisons between the role of the leader and the role of manager are explored and discussed and their various contributions to organisations and businesses are considered.
The role of the entrepreneur is evaluated and there is a critical encouragement of the analysis of specific examples of new venture development as they may be identified as a part of successful entrepreneurial activities including the concepts of risk management, individual and corporate hygiene factors underpinning NPD activity. The module also examines the models which exist and the principal success factors which may be identified in starting and growing a new venture and contextualises these factors within the broader definitions of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurialism, and other models of business launch, innovation, growth and life cycle.
Learning Outcomes
This module, like all modules at Anglia Ruskin, is taught on the basis of achieving intended learning outcomes. On successful completion of the module, the student will be expected to be able to demonstrate the following:
Knowledge and
LO1: Critically examine and be able to Identify, determine, and evaluate the factors which may contribute to the success or failure of a new venture including the role of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurship, management abilities, skills, thinking, and contexts which may contribute to this success.
LO2: Critically consider the relationships which may exist between management knowledge, entrepreneurship and new venture development and the complexity of factors which contribute to new business development, the innovation process and the management contexts which contribute to this.
Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills
LO3: Determine, identify and codify the critical tasks to be accomplished within new venture life cycles, including the challenges and opportunities faced at each stage of the venture. (e.g. management thinking, concept; prototype; test; scanning: start-Up; early growth; penetration developments; continuation of success; re-positioning; contingency planning)
LO4: Develop and analyse an integrated plan for one new venture development, entrepreneurial idea or innovation demonstrating its potential for implementation (including financial projections for start-up ventures).
The assessment is based on meeting these learning outcomes, shown explicitly in section 4, where the assessment task is linked to these learning outcomes.
Employability Skills in this Module
It is important that we help you develop employability skills throughout your course which will assist you in securing employment and supporting you in your future career. During your course you will acquire a wide range of key skills. In this module, you will develop those identified below:
Skills acquired in this module
Communication (oral)
Communication (written)
Commercial Awareness
Cultural sensitivity
Customer focus
Data Handling
Decision making
Interpersonal Skills
Leadership/Management of others
Organisational adaptability
Project Management
Problem Solving and analytical skills
Team working
Time Management
Outline Delivery and Reading Lists @ Anglia
Outline Delivery
The table below indicates how the module will be delivered. However, this schedule is indicative and may be subject to change.
Lecture and Reading Topics
· Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Management, Personal Development, PDP
· Target markets and identifying business opportunities
· Planning tools / New Venture Development
· New Product Development and Knowledge Requirements
· Business Planning, The Business Model, Company Formation
· Creativity, inventions, and prototype development. Risk management / Product Life Cycle
· Business Critical Success Factors
· Selling, customer service and managing people
· Plan for new venture development
· Leadership theories and management
· Business etiquette and personal image
Reading List and Learning Resources
Essential Reading
· Hirsch, R., Peters, M and Shepherd, D (2013) Entrepreneurship (9Th edition) Erwin Mc Graw-Hill
· NB This is an online book available through ARU’s library
· Stokes, D. and Wilson, N. (2010) Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship Cengage Learning Business Press; Sixth edition
Recommended reading
· Coulter, M (2002) Entrepreneurship in Action Prentice Hall
· Longenecker, J.M., Moore, C.W. and Petty, J. W. (2003) Small Business Management Thompson, South- Western
· Mariotti, S (2003). The Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting and Running a Business. New York, NY: Random House, Inc
· Scarborough, N.M. and Zimmerer, T. W. (2005) Effective Small Business Management: an Entrepreneurial Approach Pearson Education; 8 edition
Assessment on this Module
The assessment for this module consists of two elements. Final submission dates for elements of assessment vary.
Type of assessment
Word or time limit
% of Total Mark
Submission method
Final Submission Date
Turnitin®UK Grademark
25th February 2016
All forms of assessment must be submitted by the published deadline which is detailed above. It is your responsibility to know when work is due to be submitted – ignorance of the deadline date will not be accepted as a reason for late or non-submission. Any late work will NOT be considered and a mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment task in question.
You are requested to keep a copy of your work (excluding exams).
You are entitled to feedback on your performance for all your assessed work. For all assessment tasks which are not examinations, this is accomplished by a member of academic staff providing your mark and associated comments which will relate to the achievement of the module’s intended learning outcomes and the assessment criteria you were given for the task when it was first issued. This feedback will be available on-line via Turnitin/Grademark® or may be sent directly to your Anglia Ruskin e-mail account.
The marker of your assignment will include feedback on written assignments that includes answers to these three key questions:
1. What is your overall feedback?
2. How does your assignment compare to the marking criteria?
3. How can you improve in the future?
Examination scripts are retained by Anglia Ruskin and are not returned to students. However, you are entitled to feedback on your performance in an examination and may request a meeting with the Module Leader or Tutor to see your examination script and to discuss your performance.
Anglia Ruskin is committed to providing you with feedback on all assessed work within
20 working days
of the submission deadline or the date of an examination. This is extended to 30 days for feedback for a Major Project module (please note that working days excludes those days when Anglia Ruskin University is officially closed; e.g.: between Christmas and New Year). Personal tutors will offer to read feedback from several modules and help you to address any common themes that may be emerging.
On occasion, you will receive feedback and marks for pieces of work that you completed in the earlier stages of the module. We provide you with this feedback as part of the learning experience and to help you prepare for other assessment tasks that you have still to complete. It is important to note that, in these cases, the marks for these pieces of work are unconfirmed. This means that, potentially, marks can change, in either direction!
Marks for modules and individual pieces of work become confirmed on the Dates for the Official Publication of Results which can be checked at
How to View Your Feedback in Turnitin Grademark
Click on the class that you wish to view and then you will see the assignments for the module listed. Click the blue view button to open up the document viewer.
The Document Viewer will open and the main feedback on your work is shown in the General Comments:
There may also be Quick Marks on your assignment or a Grading Form/Rubric to show how you performed against the marking criteria, click on the tabs to open them.
Comments List
Rubric/Grading Form
Jumps to the comment within your assignment
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Expanded comments
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Number of
on a page
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Expands /collapses comments on all pages
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Expands /collapses comments on a page
Scroll to see how your work compared with the marking criteria
Assessment Information and Marking Criteria
Element 010 – The Assignment (100%)
The Assignment
In your role a first time entrepreneur, you have to plan a new business start-up in order to secure funding from financial institutions or private investors.
You are therefore required to prepare an individual business plan to outline and explain the following:
1. The New Venture Concept, the opportunity gap in the market and why you are confident that this new business is feasible. [ 800 words / 20 marks ]
2. The Requirements for the New Business start-up together with the Management Skills needed to make the business successful. [ 800 words / 20 marks ]
3. Your proposed business model to explain how the new venture will work to achieve positive financial results and by when. [1600 words / 40 marks ]
4. How you propose to manage business risks. [ 400 words / 10 marks ]
5. The conditions which must prevail to avoid failure. [ 400 words / 10 marks ]
Element 010 – Marking Criteria for the Assignment (100%)
What should be discussed
The New Venture Concept
The opportunity gap in the market and why you are confident that this new business is feasible.
The Requirements for the New Business start-up
To include the management skills needed to make the business successful
The proposed business model
This should explain how the new venture will work to achieve positive financial results and by when
Management of business risks
This should include an identification of the different risks and the proposals to overcome these risks
The conditions which must prevail to avoid failure
Turnitin®UK Grademark assignments
This assignment is submitted online via Turnitin® Grademark, and the direct link to Turnitin® UK Grademark is:
Module Guide
Page 11
Re-assessment Information
In order to pass this module, you need to achieve an overall pass rate of 40% for the assignment. Should you NOT do so, you will be able to re-sit the coursework, though your mark for the module will be capped at 40%.
Please note the re-sit assignment below as it is different to the original assessment.
Type of resit assessment
Word or time limit
% of Total Mark
Submission method
Final Submission Date
Resit Assignment
Turnitin®UK Grademark
Please see e-Vision for details
Re-assessment for Element 010 – Assignment (100%)
This assignment is made up of two tasks:
Re-sit Assignment Task 1 and marking criteria (2000 Words)
“According to Timmon’s framework there are three components for a successful new business: the opportunity, the entrepreneur (and the management team, if it’s a high-potential venture), and the resources needed to start the company and make it grow.” (Bygrave and Zacharakis, 2011).
Using relevant literature, critically analyse this statement.
Please ensure that your assignment follows this structure:
· A table of contents
· A list of figures and/ or list of tables where appropriate
· Introduction -(300 words)
· Literature Review-& Critical Analysis (1400 words)
· Conclusions- -(300 words)
· References / Presentation
· Bibliography
· Appendices if appropriate
Marking Criteria
What the examiners will assess
Possible Marks
This should set the scene explaining what the assignment is about
Literature Review
There should be clear evidence of reading the contemporary academic literature to show your understanding of the topics
Critical Analysis
– Explanation of the type and need for resources
– Use of critical resources
– Justified arguments to agree with the concept that start-ups do not have sufficient resources
– Justified arguments to disagree with the concept that start-ups do not have sufficient resources
– Other relevant points
You should round off the assignment
The standard of academic writing including your ability to use Harvard referencing
Re-sit Assignment Task 2 Written Presentation and marking criteria (2000 Words)
Develop an effective business plan for launching a new product and obtaining financial and managerial support from potential backers. Prepare ten power point slides to explain the key issues that you would highlight and emphasise in a presentation of your business concepts including the questions that you would expect from potential investors and your considered answers to them.
1. Business Description – Should provide the background and history of the business. Also contain the goals as well as the product or services description being proposed. It should also discuss the supplier information, agreements and ownership structure and legal considerations. c. 300 words
1. Business Opportunities – Should contain the potential customer, geographical area, business competitors. c. 200 words
1. Marketing Strategy – Should present the costing and pricing, sales projection, and marketing plan. c. 500 words
1. Business Operations – Should include the operational function, services offered, and personnel. c. 500 words
1. Finances – To include the revenue, expenses, and financial projections. c. 500 words
Marking Criteria
What the examiners will assess
Possible Marks (100%)
Business Description
Should provide the background and history of the business. Also contain the goals as well as the product or services description being proposed. It also discusses the supplier information, agreements and ownership structure and legal considerations.
Business Opportunities
Should contain the potential customer, geographical area, business competitors.
Marketing Strategy
Should present the costing and pricing, sales projection, and marketing plan.
Business Operations
Should include the operational function, services offered, and personnel
To include the revenue, expenses, and financial projections
Preparation of the slides and the considered answers to potential questions
Links to Other Key Information
Assessment Offences: As an academic community, we recognise that the principles of truth, honesty and mutual respect are central to the pursuit of knowledge. Behaviour that undermines those principles weakens the community, both individually and collectively, and diminishes our values. There is more information on these principles and the types of Assessment Offences here: Penalties for poor academic practice can be severe so ensure you are aware of what is expected and how to reference correctly.
There is a guide to Good Academic Practice here:
How is My Work Marked and Flowchart of Anglia Ruskin’s Marking Process: After you have handed your work in or you have completed an examination, Anglia Ruskin undertakes a series of activities to assure that our marking processes are comparable with those employed at other universities in the UK and that your work has been marked fairly, honestly and consistently. More information about this is given here:
University Generic Assessment Criteria: This module is at level 7, information on the criteria that the university uses to mark your work can be found here:
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