ITC571 – Emerging Technologies And Innovation

Expand All Collapse All Print Version ITC571 – Emerging Technologies and Innovation Session 2 2016 Faculty of Business School of Computing and Mathematics Internal Mode Subject Overview[Show] Lecturer Details[Show] Learning, Teaching and Support Strategies[Show] Text and Learning Materials[Hide] Prescribed text(s) There is NO prescribed text for this subject. What you read and how much you read will depend on your chosen topic. Schedule[Show] Assessment Information[Show] Assessment Items[Hide] Item number Title Type Value Due date* Return date** 1 Innovation Quiz and Project Blog Assignment 5% 05-Aug-2016 26-Aug-2016 2 Project Proposal and Plan Assignment 10% 19-Aug-2016 12-Sep-2016 3 Annotated Bibliography Assignment 25% 16-Sep-2016 13-Oct-2016 4 Research Development Quiz and Ethical Analysis Assignment 20% 30-Sep-2016 26-Oct-2016 5 Weekly Progress Report Assignment 10% Variable Variable 6 Project Closure: Project Blog and Seminar Assignment 30% 07-Oct-2016 31-Oct-2016 * due date is the last date for assessment items to be received at the University ** applies only to assessment items submitted by the due date Assessment item 1 Innovation Quiz and Project Blog Value: 5% Due date: 05-Aug-2016 Return date: 26-Aug-2016 Submission method options Alternative submission method Task What is Innovation? Source: Innovation as a process – Bessant & Tidd, Innovation and Enterpreneurship – The word Innovation is on the political, business and research agendas and is often linked to entrepreneurship. So while developing a topic which is both an emerging technology and an innovation, as the title of ITC571 suggests, it important to understand what innovation means to you. This short exercise and online quiz will help with developing more insight into: What is Innovation? WHAT TO DO: Project Blog 1. Set up and develop your Project Blog as required for this task and later assessment task. The blog will store entries made by you throughout the subject to document the project stages and Milestones, seminar notes and other important notes. 2. You can use CSU’s Thinkspace site at (use your CSU Login ID) or a blog site of your own choice. CSU Thinkspace is recommended or else WordPress, Google’s Blogger ( are common blogging systems, but you may have your own favourite site to use. 3. Choose and develop a limited blogger profile and enter a suitable TITLE for your blog (e.g.Joe’s Wireless Technology Project) – not your full name. For WEB ADDRESS – use yourstudent number as your account name (URL) or other unique identifier. 4. Make a first post – a short introduction about you and the project – remember to save, then Publish the blog entry. Check with a friend or family member to ensure that he/she can see your first posting. This is also to check you have the right URL to include in this proposal and plan for your project. 5. The last question in the Online Quiz will ask to write the URL Web address for your Project Blog, so do this task BEFORE you attempt the Innovation Quiz. Innovation Quiz 1. Read the notes and resources in Topic 1 from the Interact2 site sidebar menu. 2. Try these two quiz sites based on what innovation means to a business: 3. Prepare for the Online Quiz in the Test Centre link in Interact2 by reading Tom Worthington’s blog at: 4. Answer all the 20 quiz questions (1 mark each) that will be based on these online sites and the understanding that you have about Innovation. 5. The final Question 20 requires you to write a draft ” Statement of Innovation ” about your proposed project (even if not complete, it can be prepared in advance) AND to include the URL Web address of your Project Blog Rationale The word Innovation is on the political, business and research agendas so while developing a topic which is both an emerging technology and an innovation, as the title of ITC571 suggests, it important to understand what innovation means to you. Understanding innovation will help to shape the direction and depth of research and the development a capstone project topic about emerging technologies. The Project Blog helps you to document your project and to “think by writing” as you develop, manage and record the project delivery as well as your “learning journey”. This is good knowledge management. Marking criteria Innovation Quiz and Project Blog : Online Quiz (5 %) Criteria HD => 85% DI 75-84% CR 65-74% PS 50-64% Fail < 50% Project Blog is created and functional and of the topic area is appropriate and has been justified by student and supervisor/sponsor. (1 Mark) The rationale and recommendations by the supervisor or sponsor of the project demonstrate that an evaluation of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation has led to an appropriate topic selection. The Project Blog contains justification of the topic and information and facts about the problem and purpose of the investigation. 0.85 to 1.00% The rationale and recommendations by the supervisor or sponsor of the project demonstrate that an evaluation of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation has led to an appropriate topic selection. The Project Blog contains justification of the topic and some information and a few facts about the problem and purpose of the investigation. 0.75 to 0.84% The rationale and recommendations by the supervisor or sponsor of the project do not necessarily demonstrate that an evaluation of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation has led to an appropriate topic selection. The Project Blog contains justification of the topic is done briefly with a few with information and facts but very little or no purpose of the investigation. 0.65 to 0.74% The rationale is not clear and the project has no clear recommendations by any sponsor or supervisor. Topic selection has not been fully justified by inclusion of information and facts about the problem and purpose of the investigation. 0.50 to 0.64% No Project Blog has been created or an incomplete Project Blog exists with little or no content. 0.00 to 0.49% All Twenty Questions from the Online Innovation Quiz are attempted with an answer. (4 Marks) 18-20 Score Understands and responds to all questions. Cites specific evidence from relevant portions or text. Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of innovation Interprets document in own words, goes beyond literal meaning to conceptual and wider significance of innovation. 3.40 to 4.00% 15-17 Score Understands and responds to all or most questions. Cites evidence from relevant portions or text. Demonstrates accurate understanding of innovation Interprets document in own words. 3.00 to 3.39% 13-14 Score Understands and responds to all or most questions. Cites some specific evidence from relevant portions or text. Demonstrates accurate understanding of innovation and generally Interprets document usually in own words. 2.60 to 2.99% 10-12 Score Understands and responds to all or most questions. Cites some specific evidence from relevant portions or text. Demonstrates understanding of innovation and generally Interprets document usually in own words. 2.00 to 2.59% 9 or less. Responds to fewer than half the questions, Evidence either lacking or so vague that it does not demonstrate understanding of innovation. Uses language that is either vague or copied from text without interpretation. 1.00 to 1.99% Presentation Online via Test Centre in Interact2 Requirements Complete the Topic 1, the readings, set up the Project Blog and do the Innovation Quiz in Interact2 before the closing date. Assessment item 2 Project Proposal and Plan Value: 10% Due date: 19-Aug-2016 Return date: 12-Sep-2016 Submission method options Alternative submission method Task WHAT TO DO: 1. Follow the Study Schedule and work with the Topics (Modules) in Interact as they provide a “scaffold” for your learning in this subject. 2. Develop a detailed Capstone Project Proposal and Plan using project management software (as listed in the Study Schedule) and the skills you have acquired from IT Project Management to develop a project plan with a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), milestones and Gantt chart. These tools may help. a. MicrosoftProject Pro (; b. Open source tools like GanttProject (; c. OpenProj( d. OpenProject ( e. ProjectLibre ( 3. Begin using the ‘ project blog’ for your chosen emerging technology topic. a. The blog is a way to not only “think by writing” and make your notes but also store project files and links in a cloud-based service. b. Consider sharing the site with your peers as a way to harness each others knowledge. c. The Blog can be used for your Weekly Progress Reports (as an alternative to the Discussion Board) in Assessment Item 5 beginning in Week 2. 4. The blog is ideally updated each week with 3 or 4 entries, at a minimum standard and will become a valuable tool for the Weekly Progress Reports AND/OR for documenting your project notes and as the foundation for editing and writing the Capstone Project Report. An ideal blog entry will have around 50-150 words (150-600 words a week). 5. Describe how you intend to submit/present your Weekly Progress Reports to peers from Week 2: a. In Class (only option for on-campus students) b. Interact2 Discussion Board c. My Project Blog (provide Website address) 6. Group Work OPTION for Assessment Items (Not recommended for Distance mode students): The Group Capstone Project Proposal and Plan is submitted by the team of three (3 maximum group size) for a group mark on a project proposal and plan that clearly indicates the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Role and Responsibilities of EACH member to carry an equal share of the load in the project work. Rationale The Capstone Topic Project Plan allows for a broad range of project areas like systems administration, database systems, IT security, mobile technology etc. Often the project has a sponsor and is linked to your interest or workplace needs. The proposal has a research component (Assessment Item 3 Annotated Bibliography) so in some cases you may need to find a supervisor willing to accept you as a candidate. The Learning Outcomes being assessed in this item include how you interpret and evaluate an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation and begin to plan, execute, record and present your research and project work as a capstone experience. Your Capstone Project Proposal and Plan will be evaluated with a series of questions that you can use as a Checklist: • Is the capstone topic area appropriate? • Has the Project Blog been setup? • Has there been sufficient justification of the choice of the topic? • Is there enough scope for a sufficiently deep/complex analysis? • Is the scope appropriate for what might be reasonably expected in the capstone project subject? • Is the methodology proposed clear? • Are the deliverables clearly set out? • Are the deliverables sufficiently complex to justify a pass in this activity? • Is it likely that the proposed activities can be reasonably carried out? • Is it likely that the student will have access to the necessary resources to do a satisfactory job? • Is the time line proposed realistic? Marking criteria The ITC571 Capstone Project Proposal and Plan Assessment Criteria (10%) Criteria HD => 85% DI 75-84% CR 65-74% PS 50-64% RS1 Choose a capstone project topic and identify the information needed to fill knowledge gaps stated by others. 10.00% Project Proposal and Plan demonstrates that an evaluation of recent trends in emerging technologies and the identification of the knowledge gap has led to an appropriate and detailed topic selection. 8.50 to 10.00% Project Proposal and Plan demonstrates that an evaluation of recent trends in emerging technologies and the identification of the knowledge gap has led to an appropriate topic selection. 7.50 to 8.49% Project Proposal and Plan demonstrates that an evaluation of recent trends in emerging technologies but the identification of the knowledge gap was not clear in the topic selection. 6.50 to 7.49% Project Proposal and Plan demonstrates a rationale that is not clear and the project has no clear identification of the knowledge gap or recommendations by any sponsor or supervisor. 5.00 to 6.49% Project scope, methodology, presentation and project management tools and techniques used 30.00% Proposal is well written with no grammatical or spelling errors has evidence that is has been reviewed at least once. Project Scope, Methodology and all project management tools and techniques are included, such as timeline, WBS, Gantt chart, All sections in the proposal and plan are clearly set our for the reader. 25.50 to 30.00% Proposal is well written with only a few grammatical or spelling errors and has evidence that is has been reviewed at least once. Project Scope, Methodology and all project management tools and techniques are mostly included, such as timeline, WBS, Gantt chart, The proposal and plan overall are clearly set our for the reader. 22.50 to 25.49% Proposal is well written with several grammatical or spelling errors but have no evidence that is has been reviewed. Project Scope, Methodology and all project management tools and techniques are mostly included, such as timeline, WBS, Gantt chart, Most sections in the proposal and plan are clearly set our for the reader. 19.50 to 22.49% Proposal is not well written with many grammatical or spelling errors and no evidence that is has been reviewed. Project Scope, Methodology and a project management tool was used, but not all techniques are complete such the timeline, WBS or Gantt chart, Further refinement of the proposal and plan are expected. 15.00 to 19.49% Practicality of the resources, a realistic timeline and the deliverables in the proposed solution. 20.00% Proposed solution demonstrates full understanding of real-world constraints and the timeline in WBS and Gantt chart specifies due dates for required deliverables. Materials list is reasonable, given resources. Proposal clearly links the problem to the proposed solution. 17.00 to 20.00% Proposed solution demonstrates a good understanding of real-world constraints and the timeline in WBS and Gantt chart specifies most due dates for required deliverables. Materials list is mostly reasonable, given resources. Proposal does link to the problem to the proposed solution. 15.00 to 16.99% Proposed solution demonstrates a poor understanding of real-world constraints and the timeline in WBS and Gantt chart is brief and only specifies some of the due dates for required deliverables. Materials list is lacking details, given resources. Proposal makes very little connection between the proposed solution and the problem. 13.00 to 14.99% Proposed solution is too general or incomplete in places and demonstrates a lack of understanding of real-world constraints. The WBS and Gantt chart are too generic or missing and only specifies some of the due dates for required deliverables. Materials list is not given. Proposal makes no connection between the proposed solution and the problem. 10.00 to 12.99% RA Synthesize and apply information and data to different contexts to facilitate critical thinking, planning, problem solving and decision making, understanding of the problem and consideration of users. 30.00% Identifies strengths and weaknesses in own thinking: recognizes personal assumptions, values and perspectives, compares to others’, and evaluates them in the context of alternate points of view. 25.50 to 30.00% Identifies strengths and weaknesses in own thinking: recognizes personal assumptions, values and perspectives, compares to others’, with some comparisons of alternate points of view. 22.50 to 25.49% Identifies some personal assumptions, values, and perspectives; recognizes some assumptions, values and perspectives of others; shallow comparisons of alternate points of view. 19.50 to 22.49% Identifies some personal assumptions, values, and perspectives; does not consider alternate points of view. 15.00 to 19.49% Timeliness and completion of project proposal and plan. 10.00% All required elements of the project proposal and plan are completed and produced on time. 8.50 to 10.00% Most of required elements of the project proposal and plan are produced on time. 7.50 to 8.49% Only a few required elements of the project proposal and plan are completed and produced on time. 6.50 to 7.49% Not all required elements of the project proposal and plan are completed or produced on time. 5.00 to 6.49% Presentation Capstone Project Plan Sample Format (subject to change or modified to include systems development projects) 1. Title: Emerging Technology and Innovation Topic a. Project Blog ( Web address provided) b. Weekly Progress Reports Plan (In class, Discussion Board or Project Blog entries) 2. Rationale a. Problem domain b. Purpose and justification c. Sponsor or Supervisor recommendation (if applicable, but not required) 3. Research Questions (if applicable) 4. Conceptual or Theoretical Framework 5. Methodology a. Research and Systems Development method(s) b. Data collection or systems design methods c. Ethical Issues d. Compliance Requirements (Workplace, Industry or Government regulations) e. Analysis of data 6. Project Plan a. Deliverables (Conclusions, Recommendations, Software code etc.) b. Work breakdown structure (WBS) c. Risk Analysis d. Duration e. Gantt chart 7. References 8. Appendix (if required) Assessment item 3 Annotated Bibliography Value: 25% Due date: 16-Sep-2016 Return date: 13-Oct-2016 Submission method options Alternative submission method Task TASK 1: Annotated Bibliography (20%) 1. Write an Annotated Bibliography for your Capstone Topic following a set structure. The Annotated Bibliography is a critical examination of the most relevant, recent and scholarly research on the topic area that is not just a summary of the articles you have read.. 2. Use the latest online search tools ( CSU PRIMO, Google Scholar, Online databases) and efficient bibliographic organisers – CSU supports the use of EndNote. (available on iPad). EndNote is a bibliographic citation program, allowing references and footnotes to be translated into a variety of standard formats. 3. As a CSU student you can download and install EndNote X7 for Windows or Mac OS platforms 4. For Group Work OPTION teams only: Assessment Item 3 Annotated Bibliography is done INDIVIDUALLY by ALL students. 5. Ensure that the AB submitted by you is your own work and has not been submitted elsewhere and comply with the University’s requirements for academic integrity. 6. You can get help in Building and Writing an Annotated Bibliography from Topic 3 in the ITC571 Interact2 site sidebar menu and other study advices and tips from: a. Study Resources (PDF files to download): b. APA style Referencing from c. The CSU Library website for LibGuides in Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics at d. EndNote Bibliographic software and tutorials LibGuide at 7. Review the emerging technology (use internet for journals, conference papers, magazines, news articles, online databases, eBooks) and submit a 12 article Annotated Bibliography on your topic. 8. A good place to start a collection of articles in your review of the literature is via the PRIMO search tool located on the CSU Library website at As an example, the Capstone Topic PRIMO search on a topic like ” near field communication applications” returned the following list of very recent journals, books, conference proceedings and eBooks related to the Topic: Library Resources Information Technology Journal Databases: Information Technology & Computing LibGuides : The following questions may be useful while reviewing the topic: 1. What is the new technology? 2. What does it do and what are the special features it has? 3. When is it coming out in the market and how much will it cost? 4. What industry will the new technology affect? (Medical, agricultural, computer, business etc….). 5. In your opinion, will the new technology be beneficial to society? Why or why not. 6. What did you learn from a critical analysis of your sources of information on this new technology? TASK 2: Originality Report and Questions (5%) Turnitin is more than a ‘gotcha’ device – it is an effective learning tool: Because the sophisticated use of sources involves a complex set of research, critical thinking, and writing skills, you should expect to take several years to master them. Turnitin can be a helpful tool in this developmental process. You should use your originality reports as feedback on a first draft so that you can improve your use of sources before submitting the final draft for marking. Interpreting the Turnitin Originality Report: After you submit your draft to Turnitin for self-checking, you should look carefully at the Originality Report so that you can improve on your use of sources. Your essay will be on the left side of the screen, and the matching colour-coded sources will be listed on the right. Then you can make the necessary changes to your essay before you submit the final draft for marking. You need to register with Turnitin to create a Student Account under the CSU Turnitin Licence at Further information on how to use Turnitin can be found through the following link: 1. Generate an originality report and submit this report via EASTS 2. CSU recommends Turnitin at ( for checking originality of content is assessment tasks as described in the Subject Outline and in the Assessment Task where it is required. 3. For this subject if you or your organisation use another similar tool then that is fine to use, but seek approve for it first. 4. One approved alternative to Turnitin is the SEO Tools Plagiarism Checker at This is used by several institutions, academics and research students as an alternative to 5. Answer the following questions to interpret the originality report. The questions can be found through the following link: 6. Submit your question answers via EASTS. Rationale The rationale of this assessment is to test your ability to review, evaluate, critique and support others opinions as well as existing literature, using a scholarly writing style. You will also demonstrate your ability to carry out independently research and locate information from various sources such as journals, conference proceedings, online databases, eBooks and industry magazines. The Learning Outcomes being assessed in this second task include your ability to perform literature searches and critically analyse the literature in the chosen topic and then to critically reflect on and synthesize complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the chosen topic. As the Literature Review develops, so will also be demonstrating your advanced communication and academic writing skills in transmitting your capstone experiences and ideas to others. What does a well constructed annotated bibliography contain? That is a research topic on its own, however I recommend the list of SIX structural elements below: 1. Interpretation and evaluation of an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation; 2. Evidence of literature searches and critical analysis of the literature in the chosen capstone topic; 3. Critical reflection and synthesis of complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the chosen topic; 4. Original opinion on the benefits of your capstone project to others; 5. Reflective comments on what was learnt from an article; 6. Use of correct citations and referencing conforming to recognised referencing format: APA style Task 2 is designed for you to learn the functions of the Turnitin software. Marking criteria Annotated Bibliograpy Task 1: Information and Research Tools and Techniques (20%) Contains 12 articles on the chosen topic, recognition of research methods used in the articles and synthesis of data, findings and ideas) Criteria HD => 85% DI 75-84% CR 65-74% PS 50-64% Perform a twelve (12) articles search and extractions of information needed to produce a consistent 12 article, annotated bibliography with full bibliographic details of the source – systematically organised as an APA style reference list in alphabetical order, by the author’s surname. 10.00% Document cites the number of sources outlined. Information is located, evaluated and managed from multiple, research-based sources using “best practice” online resources. Evidence of digital literacy and critical analysis of the literature in the chosen capstone topic is apparent; 8.50 to 10.00% Document is one source under the required number of sources. Information is located, evaluated and managed from multiple sources using online resources. Evidence of some digital literacy critical analysis of the literature in the chosen capstone topic is provided; 7.50 to 8.49% Document is two to three sources under the required number of sources. Information is located, evaluated and managed from a limited number of sources and online services. Limited evidence of digital literacy or critical analysis of the literature in the chosen capstone topic is provided; 6.50 to 7.49% Document is four to five sources under the required number of sources. Information is gathered from a very small number of sources or relies heavily upon a single source of information. No critical analysis of the literature in the chosen capstone topic; 5.00 to 6.49% Theme, writing style (e.g. third person voice) and logical flow arguments and issues in the annotation paragraphs demonstrate familiarity with the sources and a synthesis of ideas available in your topic. 10.00% Well organized and demonstrates logical sequencing and structure of arguments. Writing style is narrative and demonstrates active voice, clarity and synthesis of ideas. 8.50 to 10.00% Well organized and demonstrates quite logical sequencing or structure of arguments. Writing style is loosely narrative and demonstrates active voice, clarity and synthesis of ideas. 7.50 to 8.49% Well organized, but demonstrates illogical sequencing or lack of arguments in places. Writing style demonstrates a mix active/passive voice and some synthesis of ideas. 6.50 to 7.49% Organization, sequencing, or structure of the arguments needs refinement. Writing style demonstrates is mixed voice, lack of clarity due to omission or a limited synthesis of ideas. 5.00 to 6.49% Critically analyze and synthesize the information to construct and communicate emergent knowledge by making critical and evaluative comments on the source that focus on the relative strengths and weaknesses of the work, its argument, theory, methodology, contribution to the field and its overall significance to the topic. 10.00% All facts and information presented was accurate & opinions informative. Identifies strengths and weaknesses in own thinking: recognizes personal assumptions, values and perspectives, compares to others’, and evaluates them in the context of alternate points of view. 8.50 to 10.00% Most facts and information presented was accurate & opinions informative. Identifies strengths and weaknesses in own thinking: recognizes personal assumptions, values and perspectives, compares to others’, with some comparisons of alternate points of view. 7.50 to 8.49% Some facts and information presented was accurate & some opinions were useful to consider. Identifies some personal assumptions, values, and perspectives; recognizes some assumptions, values and perspectives of others; shallow comparisons of alternate points of view. 6.50 to 7.49% Few facts and information presented was accurate & very little or no opinions were expressed. Identifies some personal assumptions, values, and perspectives; does not consider alternate points of view. 5.00 to 6.49% Quality, reliability and variety of sources (journals, databases eBooks etc.) and writing fluency of the annotations; APA style and documentation; Effective use of online tools and techniques 10.00% Excellent variety of sources; cites more than four types of sources. Annotation paragraphs with bibliographic detailsand the correct APA citation format. Highly systematic use of tools and techniques (SAGE, EndNote etc.) is evident. 8.50 to 10.00% Good variety of sources; cites four types of sources. Annotation paragraphs with bibliographic detailsand the correct APA citation format. Systematic use of tools and techniques (SAGE, EndNote etc.) is evident. 7.50 to 8.49% Poor variety of sources; cites two types of sources. Adequate variety of sources; cites three types of sources. Annotation paragraphs with most bibliographic detailsand most entries are in correct APA citation format. Better systematic use of tools and techniques (SAGE, EndNote etc.) could be considered. 6.50 to 7.49% Poor variety of sources; Annotation paragraphs with some bibliographic detailsmissing. Lacking the systematic use of tools and techniques (SAGE, EndNote etc.) and APA citation formats are incorrect or need refinement. 5.00 to 6.49% Task 2: Turnitin original report (5 %) Submission via EASTS. (2 marks) Q&A section (3 marks) Presentation The Annotated Bibliography should be presented as a PDF file that includes: A copy of the 12-article annotated bibliography that contains: a. Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. b. Citations for all of your sources in correct APA style bibliographic format c. Annotations (100-150 words) with both description and critical evaluations of each source AND a short explanation of how the resource was located as well as the search used to retrieve relevant materials. d. Sources in alphabetical order according to author last name. Turnitin Originality Report should be presented as a PDF file that includes: 1. Summary of the originality Report from Turnitin or SEO Tools Plagiarism Checker 2. Answers questions to interpret the originality report. The questions can be found through the following link: Assessment item 4 Research Development Quiz and Ethical Analysis Value: 20% Due date: 30-Sep-2016 Return date: 26-Oct-2016 Submission method options Alternative submission method Task 1. Online Quiz: Research Development Framework (10%) Interact2 Quiz will be twenty (20) questions based on what you know about research methods, techniques, instruments, ethical processes, research behaviour and management. The questions will be based on what you know about a Research Development Framework using the Table below to build and record your own Research Development Framework. WHAT TO DO: 1. Use the table as a starting point for documentation of your own ideas, knowledge and skills about doing research as your own model Research Development Framework – like a dynamic and evolving :Be Hive” of activity. RESEARCH METHODS TECHIQUES/INSTRUMENTS BEHAVIOUR OF RESEARCHER INTELLECTUAL ABILITIES MANAGEMENT Qualitative Methods: Interviews; ethnography, case studies; action research. Key Question(s); Writing Style; Annotated Bibliography; Referencing (EndNote); Literature Review; Research Design and Direction; Online Search Tools, Databases, eBooks; Sample Size (Sampling Population), data collection; prototyping; questionnaire design; triangulation of data and/or methods; informant agreement of interpretations; content analysis (NVIVO); statistical analysis (R or SPSS) Ethical Processes: Informed consent; cultural relativism; equality; diversity; access to data (protecting and storing data); personal and data integrity; authorship practices Insight; innovation; argument construction; Blooms chart and critical thinking: analysis, synthesis, evaluation, problem solving. Research strategy; project management skills in action: managing risks, resources, communication and the dissemination of results. Quantitative Methods: Survey methods (questionnaire); data mining; usability testing; experiments. Leadership; collaboration: mentoring; Academic and Digital Literacies/Numeracy; Self-reflection; work-life balance; responsiveness to change; time management; priorities and commitment to the project; 2. Attempt the Research Development Quiz on the Interact2 site by the due date. 2 Ethics Analysis and Critical Thinking (10%) The ethical outcomes we want you to achieve is done by considering some thought provoking ethical dilemmas: (” Listen, don’t mention the war. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it all right. ” – Basil Fawlty, Fawlty Towers , 1975). Let’s take the BIG PICTURE approach with some thought provoking current controveraries and determine the correct behavioural response. This can be done with activities that search and explore the meaning of justice and fairness: ” What is the right thing to do? – Michael J Sandel, 2009 The big picture approach with such controversies challenges your thinking by working through conflicts that force you to make sense of morality and your own convictions – onward and upward via philosophy, ethics, morality, justice. 1. In this task choose and consider ANY TWO of the cases as listed in the 8 current ICT controversies below. 2. In your Project Blog consider and write about the issues of justice and fairness involved and suggest “What is the right thing to do? in both cases. 3. Share your findings with others via the Ethical Analysis Discussion Board setup for this task in Interact2. CURRENT CONTROVERSIES IN ICT 1. Where has all the data gone? Service providers capturing metadata; 2. What is the human impact on the use of drones? 3. How will quantum coding on a silicon chip change computer architecture? 4. 3D printing of organ tissue in the operating theatre; ( and 5. Do individual rights and the common good conflict? 6. Social Relationships in Electronic Forums and Social Media: Tinder Case Study 7. Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat to Humanity? 8. Have you got an answer to Alan Turing’s infamous question “Can Machines Think?”? (Nested question). Rationale The BIG PICTURE approach and ethical analysis of some thought provoking and behavioural responses to current controversal issues is used rather than filling in a form for ethics approval that would follow with a research proposal. The big picture approach in other subjects challenges their thinking by working through conflicts that force them to make sense of morality and their own convictions – onward and upward via philosophy, ethics, morality, justice. This is done with this activitity that searches and explores the meaning of justice and fairness as based on: ” What is the right thing to do? – by Michael J Sandel 2009, Marking criteria Information and Research Development: Methods, Skills and Ethical Analysis (20%) Criteria HD => 85% DI 75-84% CR 65-74% PS 50-64% FL < 50% All Twenty Questions from the Research Methods and Skills Quiz are attempted with an answer. The quiz questions cover the development of research management, intellectual abilities, qualitative and quantitative methods, techniques, instruments, ethical processes and the acceptable behaviour of the researcher and informants. 10.00% 18-20 Score Understands and responds to all questions. Demonstrates sophisticated understanding and cognitive insight with research development, methods and skills needed to develop and guide knowledge, learning and practice. 8.50 to 10.00% 15-17 Score Understands and responds to all or most questions. Demonstrates accurate understanding and cognitive ability with research development, methods and skills needed to develop and guide knowledge, learning and practice. 7.50 to 8.49% 13-14 Score Understands and responds to all or most questions. Demonstrates accurate understanding and cognitive ability with research development, methods and skills needed to develop and guide knowledge, learning and practice. 6.50 to 7.49% 10-12 Score Understands and responds to all or most questions. Demonstrates understanding with some cognitive ability of research development, methods and skills needed to develop and guide knowledge, learning and practice. 5.00 to 6.49% 9 or less. Responds to fewer than half the questions, Evidence either lacking or so vague that it does not demonstrate sufficient understanding of research development, methods and skills needed to develop and guide knowledge, learning and practice. 1.00 to 4.99% Explore the meaning of justice and fairness: “What is the right thing to do? by communicating how ethical decision-making and reasoning can be used to identify creative solutions to TWO current controversies that may guide the management and direction of the project and ethical behaviour of the researcher or member. 10.00% Blog discussion on possible solutions to two current controversies demonstrates detailed ethical decision-making and reasoning to form judgements that guide the management and ethical principles of research. 8.50 to 10.00% Blog discussion on possible solutions to two current controversies demonstrates good ethical decision-making and reasoning to form judgements that guide the management and ethical principles of research. 7.50 to 8.49% Blog discussion on possible solutions to two current controversies demonstrates some ethical decision-making and reasoning to form judgements that guide the management and ethical principles of research. 6.50 to 7.49% Blog discussion on possible solutions to two current controversies lacks details and demonstrates some basic ethical decision-making and reasoning to guide the management and ethical principles of research. 5.00 to 6.49% Incomplete Blog discussion and/or lacking in analysis, reasoning or understanding about the ethical principles needed to form any judgments involved about the controversies. 0.00 to 4.99 Presentation Interact 2 Test Centre Quiz and the Project Blog and Ethical Analysis Discussion Board Assessment item 5 Weekly Progress Report Value: 10% Due date: Variable Return date: – Submission method options EASTS (online) Task WHAT TO DO: 1. From Weeks 2 to 10 in the Schedule, you are required to Submit/Bring or Present a Weekly Progress Report on your Capstone project. 2. The Weekly Reports will follow the plan you made in Assessment Item 1 3. The local lecturer will describe the format as students are studying in various learning modes either in weekly classes or online weekly (on Project Blog) via Distance mode. 4. Include the Project Blog URL as part of Assessment Item 6 Submission to EASTS 5. The template below can be modified for use for each WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT: Project Title: Week No: Date: Planning Milestone Planned Actual Comments Issues Description Date Action/Results Finished (Y/N) Rationale Some students think that they can pass the subject by submitting the final assignment meeting the requirements and marking criteria. That is incorrect according to the Subject Outline. Please read the PASS Requirements for ITC571. This task considers the students weekly progress work which may include class attendance to submit/bring/present any weekly progress work. For students studying in Distance mode or special cases, a collection of weekly progress reports can be made via the Project Blog. Marking criteria Rubric for Assessment Item: Weekly Progress Reports (10%) Satisfactory = 1 Unsatisfactory = 0 Criteria SATISFACTORY = 1 SY UNSATISFACTORY = 0 US Weekly progress reports and evidence or regular work completed exists, either in class or on the Discussion Board, as determined by the Lecturer. 10 marks Weekly reports are done regularly and well presented to peers. Evidence of project tracking exists and progress is up to date with the plan. 6.0 to 10.00% Little or no volume of effort or the weekly progress reporting is insufficient. Progress has fallen behind schedule. 0.00 to 5.99% Presentation The Presentation format is via the Project Blog for Distance Mode students or in class for on-campus students. Project Blog URL for Weekly Progress Report is included in Assessment Item 6. Assessment item 6 Project Closure: Project Blog and Seminar Value: 30% Due date: 07-Oct-2016 Return date: 31-Oct-2016 Submission method options Alternative submission method Task For the Group OPTION: The Capstone Seminar is submitted by the group as a group seminar. WHAT TO DO: 1. Project Closure: Final Blog Entry and Evaluation of the Value of the Project Documentation (10%) a. Close down the project and your project blog with a final entry on the lessons learnt and/or an evaluation of the project outcomes. b. Check that all your references are in APA style ( c. Ensure that the Project Blog by you is your own work and has not been submitted elsewhere and complies with the University’s requirements for academic integrity. 2. Present a Capstone Project Seminar (20%). a. The time has been deliberately limited to 10 minutes to force you into selecting the most appropriate subset of information to present for this situation and you will be heavily penalized if you take more than 15 minutes. b. NOTE: If doing a video presentation (YouTube, Vimeo etc) then try to halve the time for the online audience. (Question time does not count as part of the presentation time.) c. This seminar can be to a live class of peers or online as a video presentation, outlining the results of your Capstone Project. d. The seminar should be accompanied by appropriate audio/visual tools such as a set of presentation slides or examples of hardware/software/systems that are necessary for the audience to understand and follow your presentation. e. You may be asked questions from the audience after your presentation. f. Please ask your local supervisor for the date, time or the URL of the Online Video you will be presenting. Presenting a seminar also demonstrates that you have understood tht project work that has been carried out. Seminar Logistics Planning The seminar format will vary within the context of each cohort, but these notes will act as a guide to the seminar format. The recommended format is to follow the 6 plus 4 model: This means that for “live” seminars you will get 6 minutes to talk about the project plus 4 minutes of question time, with a further 5 minutes allocated for “overtime speakers” and change of presenters. In this format then the “live” classroom seminar can handle 4 seminars per hour. For recorded or online video seminars, the “plus 4” for question time will be replaced by assessing the time, effort and quality of the recording. The “live” classroom seminar for large classes will not be practical, so you may also be asked to do the seminar as a recorded 6-minute video (YouTube, Vimeo etc or on flash drive, CD or DVD – as long as the marker has access) to increase the throughput of presenters. For individuals then the seminar is 6 minutes long however for a single group seminar report, each member speaks for 2 minutes of the total of 6 minutes and is assessed individually on their contribution to the team effort. Rationale After studying something quite intensely such as the Capstone Topic that you have chosen in this subject, you are expected to become relatively expert in that area. As such, you need to be able to present that knowledge as a Capstone Project Video Seminar to a variety of groups, including a group of peers, management or at other times, inexperienced users. This is an extremely important part of the ICT industry. The time has been deliberately limited to 10 minutes to force you into selecting the most appropriate subset of information to present for this situation and you will be heavily penalised if you take more than 15 minutes. (Question time does not count as part of the presentation time.). Presenting a seminar also allows for the opportunity to check how well you have understood the investigation that has been carried out. The Learning Outcomes being assessed in this final two tasks include your ability to apply project management and ICT tools to plan, execute, record and present their research and project work as a capstone experience, both in written and oral communications to others. Marking criteria A6 Project Closure: Project Blog and Seminar (30%) The marking criteria for this assessment depend on how correctly you have addressed the requirements of the assessment item tasks. Criteria HD => 85% DI 75-84% CR 65-74% PS 50-64% Project Blog entries apply the skills and tools needed in project management and use academic writing skills and in-text citation of all the references listed using APA referencing style. 5.00% Blog entries demonstrate high-level skills in project management, communication, use of APA referencing style where applicable and project closure with final Blog entry. 4.25 to 5.00% Blog entries demonstrate competency with the skills to do project management and to include use of APA referencing style where applicable and project closure with final Blog entry. 3.75 to 4.24% Blog entries demonstrate the basic skills to do project management and to include use of APA referencing style where applicable and project closure with final Blog entry. 3.25 to 3.74% Blog entries show that project management skills need refinement and a need to include improved use of APA referencing style where applicable and project closure with final Blog entry. 2.50 to 3.24% Project Blog as a whole demonstrates ability to apply and integrate different areas of study to the workplace through critical thinking, opinions and reflection. 5.00% Project Blog integrates and applies key concepts from the area(s) of study in meaningful and purposeful application to the workplace, critical thinking and reflection. 4.25 to 5.00% Project Blog integrates and applies key concepts from the area(s) of study in meaningful and purposeful application to the workplace, critical thinking and reflection. 3.75 to 4.24% The Project Blog includes other experiences in information technology, with many instances of critical thinking and reflection. 3.25 to 3.74% The Project Blog incudes some other experiences in information technology, but has very few or no instances of critical thinking and reflection. 2.50 to 3.24% Subject selection from the report for audience interest, use of available time and overall organisation of the seminar. 5.00% Presents information in logical, interesting sequence that the audience can follow and delivered on time. Goal or objective of the seminar presented at the beginning. 4.25 to 5.00% Presents information in logical sequence that the audience can follow and delivered close to time given. The goal or objective of the report, may not be apparent in the beginning segments. 3.75 to 4.24% Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around but is close to being on time. The goal or objective of the report was not clearly stated but inferred. 3.25 to 3.74% Audience cannot understand some of the presentation because there is no sequence of information and either falls short or goes over the time limit. The goal or objective of the report and seemed to lack a specific focus. 2.50 to 3.24% Expertise shown with the capstone project and audience engagement. 5.00% Demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) with explanations and elaboration of the project. Maintains eye contact with audience or the camera, seldom returning to notes. Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members or viewers can hear the presentation. 4.25 to 5.00% Demonstrates ease with explanations and willing to elaborate at times. Student maintains eye contact most of the time but frequently returns to notes. Student’s voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members or viewers can hear the presentation. 3.75 to 4.24% Demonstrates comfort with explanations, but fails to elaborate at times. Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads most of report from notes or the screen. Student’s voice is low. Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members or viewers have difficulty hearing all the presentation. 3.25 to 3.74% Demonstrates just a basic does grasp of information about the project; Student reads all of report with no eye contact or the video sounds like a prepared speech. Student mumbles or incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly audience members or viewers to hear. 2.50 to 3.24% How well the points were made using facts and personal opinions expressed 5.00% All facts and information presented was accurate & opinions informative. 4.25 to 5.00% Most facts and information presented was accurate & opinions informative. 3.75 to 4.24% Some facts and information presented was accurate & some opinions were useful to consider. 3.25 to 3.74% Few facts and information presented was accurate & very little or no opinions were expressed. 2.50 to 3.24% How well the questions were handled in the ‘live’ seminar. OR How well the technology was used for impact in the online video seminar: e.g. slides, content, audio, video, focus quality. 5.00% Answers all questions with detailed explanations and elaboration. OR The video demonstrated high technical skill or digital literacy with special effects, editing and visual design of content. The audio and focus were loud and clear at all times. 4.25 to 5.00% Answers to all questions, but fails to elaborate at times. OR The video demonstrated competent technical skill with special effects, editing and visual design of content. The audio and focus were loud and clear at all times. 3.75 to 4.24% Able to answer only rudimentary questions from the audience. OR The video demonstrated some technical skill with special effects, editing and visual design of content. The audio and focus were mostly loud and clear. 3.25 to 3.74% Cannot answer all questions about subject. OR The video demonstrated basic technical skill with camera, slides and screen recording. The audio and focus were sufficiently lacking quality at times. 2.50 to 3.24% The Seminar Presentation will be marked using the following criteria which are all weighted equally, using a scale of 0 to 5 where the values indicate that the particular criterion was assessed as: 0 = totally unsatisfactory 1 = not met very well 2 = could be improved 3 = satisfactorily addressed 4 = met quite well 5 = excellent It is expected that in most cases a satisfactory mark will be awarded. Higher marks will need to be earned by producing genuinely better than satisfactory performance in that criterion. The expected satisfactory standard is described below. Presentation The Capstone Project Seminar will achieve a satisfactory rating if using this as another checklist: How well the key points were made: highlight the most important aspects of your presentation or leave the audience with a clear impression of any message that you are trying to convey Ability to communicate: talk in a clear and easily understood manner, use language that is appropriate for the audience and vary the intonation and pace to emphasise particular aspects Selection of appropriate aspects from the Capstone Report for the audience: choose the aspects of your investigations that are most relevant for this audience – choose a depth oftreatment that is appropriate for this audience Keeping to the point of the presentation: stick to the point of the presentation and not introduce digressions that you may think of during the presentation Use of the available time: conclude your presentation close to the allocated 10 minutes and try not cram too much into the presentation so that it is too rushed or runs too far over time also alter the pace or planned depth of treatment of some parts to remain on schedule How well resources were used to support the presentation: use resources such as PowerPoint slides, handouts etc. to effectively support your presentation and manage the resources so that the audience is not distracted by them from the points you are trying to make Organization of the presentation: arrange the components of your presentation in a logical sequence present information in an appropriate way Degree to which the speaker appeared to be expert in that topic: demonstrate a degree of confidence in the subject matter to convince the audience that you know whatyou are talking about. Audience engagement: look at the whole audience not just a small section, make eye contact with different parts of the audience and recognize when your audience is not understanding what you are trying to say and do something about it. How well the the video was made or the questions were handled in the live seminar: understand the question and if necessary engage in a dialogue to clarify the question – provide an answer that satisfies the questioner. Requirements References • Use references not older than three years. • Only list references that you have cited within your report. • Be sure to cite (in the text) any references that you have used. • Use APA referencing style. • Full marks will be awarded for high accuracy and excellent descriptions. • Satisfactory answers will score up to 75% of the allocated marks. • Deductions will be made for major omissions, errors and over use of quotes. • Poor referencing will result in deductions to the total assignment mark. Appendix 1 Assessment Information[Show] Appendix 2 CSU Learning and Teaching Policies[Show] Appendix 3 Support Services[Show]


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